
  • Kafka Download Mac
    카테고리 없음 2020. 12. 9. 15:49

    In this post, we will look at the step-by-step process for Kafka Installation on Windows. Kafka is an open-source stream-processing software platform and comes under the Apache software foundation.

    What is Kafka?

    Kafka is used for real-time streams of data, to collect big data, or to do real-time analysis (or both). Kafka is used with in-memory microservices to provide durability and it can be used to feed events to complex event streaming systems and IoT/IFTTT-style automation systems.

    Installation :

    Click on JDK, check “Accept License Agreement” and download.dmg file for installation on Mac. Double click on the downloaded file and proceed with the installation steps. You have successfully installed Java. You may delete the.dmg file, as memory is costly on Mac. First, download the appropriate version of Confluent CLI. For example, Confluent CLI 0.265.0 is compatible with Confluent Platform 5.5.x, which can be downloaded with the following script: curl -sL sh -s - v0.265.0.

    Kafka Download Mac

    1. Java Setup:

    Kafka requires Java 8 for running. And hence, this is the first step that we should do to install Kafka. To install Java, there are a couple of options. We can go for the Oracle JDK version 8 from the Official Oracle Website.

    2. Kafka & Zookeeper Configuration:

    Step 1: Download Apache Kafka from its Official Site.

    Step 2: Extract tgz via cmd or from the available tool to a location of your choice:

    Step 3: Copy the path of the Kafka folder. Now go to config inside Kafka folder and open zookeeper.properties file. Copy the path against the field dataDir and add /zookeeper-data to the path.

    Step 4: we have to modify the config/server.properties file. Below is the change:

    Basically, we are pointing the log.dirs to the new folder /data/kafka.

    Run Kafka Server:

    Step 1: Kafka requires Zookeeper to run. Basically, Kafka uses Zookeeper to manage the entire cluster and various brokers. Therefore, a running instance of Zookeeper is a prerequisite to Kafka.

    To start Zookeeper, we can open a PowerShell prompt and execute the below command:

    If the command is successful, Zookeeper will start on port 2181.


    Step 2: Now open another command prompt and change the directory to the kafka folder. Run kafka server using the command:

    Now your Kafka Server is up and running, you can create topics to store messages. Also, we can produce or consume data directly from the command prompt.


    Create a Kafka Topic:

    1. Open a new command prompt in the location C:kafkabinwindows.
    2. Run the following command:

    Creating Kafka Producer:

    Kafka Download Mac Installer

    Kafka Download Mac
    1. Open a new command prompt in the location C:kafkabinwindows
    2. Run the following command:

    Kafka Virtual Machine Download

    Creating Kafka Consumer:

    Kafka Tool Download Mac

    1. Open a new command prompt in the location C:kafkabinwindows.
    2. Run the following command:

    If you see these messages on consumer console,Congratulations!!! you all done. Then you can play with producer and consumer terminal bypassing some Kafka messages.

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